George Foreman GFQ001 Quesadilla Maker Review

George Foreman GFQ001 Quesadilla Maker Review
“Steaming Quesadillas are no more a fantasy”

George Foreman, the name itself says a lot. For years George Foreman brand has been a market leader in manufacturing tough and sturdy grilling appliances. Among them Quesadillas are users favorite because of their compactness and utility. George Foreman GFQ001 Quesadilla Maker is one such product. A product that establishes the fact that indeed George Foreman grills are number one.

Now hot fulfilling steaming Quesadillas are no more a fantasy. You can enjoy right in the comfort of your home, straight out of your kitchen.

The device features a 10’ circular cooking surface with George’s trademark nonstick grill plates. Cleaning is easy too. The press and seal lines of the unit make sure that your pocketed food is sealed safe for a mouth-watering treat. The dish pockets are deep enough and offers enough space for your favorite filling.

With dimensions of 14 x 10 x 6 inches and weight of no more than 8 pounds, the unit is handy and light. You can keep it anywhere, but the kitchen countertop would be the best bet. It doesn’t occupy much space because it’s compact and sleek. The sleek design matches with any kind of kitchen interiors. Indeed, it is neighbors envy and owner’s pride.

What I love most about George Foreman GFQ001 Quesadilla Maker is that it’s easy to work with. It is quick and prepares mouth-watering Quesadillas in just 5 minutes. It gives perfect results and it’s easy to clean. What else I would be looking for in a Quesadilla maker. Nothing.


  • Heavy-duty rugged and touch non-stick cooking surface.
  • Easy cleaning.
  • Quick and efficient.


To some, the not so deep food pockets can cause some disappointment. The pockets are 3 inches from the center to the first ridge and are not very deep. But this doesn’t affect the overall rating of this awesome Quesadilla maker. A device which is quick, efficient, easy to use, and easy to clean.

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