Quick and Easy Breakfast Recipe for Kids and Teenagers

Not feeling hungry in the morning ? This is the question dealt by almost each parent. Kids generally don’t want to eat breakfast before going to school. Reason: Early morning school hours, when the digestive system is just not ready to ingest anything. But, as we know breakfast is the first meal of the day after a night long fast, it is essential to have a nutrient rich healthy meal before kick starting a long day ahead, and in case of kids, they need some extra energy for proper attention, concentrations, strength, and immunity.

familyfriendlyfatburningmealsIt is really essential to keep the brain fueled up and energized for performing daily activities with all the zest and zeal, especially, for kids for proper functioning of the brain. To maintain a healthy balance between brain and various body functions, kids should have nutrient rich well balanced meals at the start of the day for the generation of neurotransmitters or brain chemicals, the fuel source of the brain. The lack of which causes metabolic dysfunctions leading to blood sugar imbalance, the root cause of several ailments in the long run.

To nullify the effects of fuel-deficient brain, adults as well as kids need to have well-balanced meals with essential fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, trace minerals, and easily assimilable proteins. There are various quick and easy breakfast ideas through which you can make your child inculcate the habit of eating healthy proportionately balanced nutritive breakfast during early morning hours. These breakfast recipes are easy to make and kids love eating them as they are super yummy yet nutritive and healthy.

Power Breakfast Ideas

After getting up, drink 6-8 ounces of fresh water. Better to avoid fruit juice, even if consumed, need to be thinned down with water by one third.

1-2 scrambled or poached eggs. 1 little red potato sautéed into hash browns.

1-2 scrambled eggs with home-made tomato sauce, wrapped in a corn or whole wheat tortilla.

Whole grain toasted bread slices with cashew or almond butter (you can even use fruit-sweetened jam or raw honey as a spread)

1-2 whole waffles topped with raw honey, berries, mango chunks

2 whole wheat banana pancakes, topped with sesame or flax seeds and honey or maple syrup with freshly cut banana slices

Banana yogurt smoothie with fresh banana slices

Whole wheat cup cakes or muffins with cranberry jam

Oatmeal with honey and strawberry slices topped with raisins, almonds, cashews, and walnuts

Broken wheat porridge with lentils, garnished with mint leaves and dash of lime or lemon juice

Brown rice pudding with raisins or dried dates. For sweetener use honey or maple syrup.

Fruit yogurt with sliced berries and fresh banana slices

A Few Helpful Tips:

Some kids don’t like eggs or have an allergy to egg proteins, in that case, try adding ground sunflower or sesame seeds to the pancake batter for proteins and essential fatty acids.

Who says, we are supposed to eat only breakfast items after getting up….hold on! here I don’t mean that we can have pizza or burger in the morning, but ya we can try the options of any leftover dinner items like a slice or 2 of turkey or chicken or a bowl of hot steaming soup with whole wheat spaghetti and veggies, the choice is yours. There are various other unconventional breakfast ideas to choose from. You can try these out of the box breakfast ideas to add variety in your breakfast menu.


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