Paleo Diet – What to Eat?

If you are a fitness freak or working on how to incorporate a healthy way of living and spend minutes or hours searching the World Wide Web looking for a holistic lifestyle, you must have come across an ancient yet widely accepted way of eating and that is adapting a Paleolithic diet or a Caveman’s Diet.

Paleolithic diet as the name suggests is a diet that searches its roots back in the Paleozoic era, the time period that lasted from approximately 200, 000 years ago until the man started farming some 12,000 years ago.

If you go by the researches, you will be amazed to find out that our ancestors were healthier, leaner, and stronger than us. They were free of any debilitating or degenerative diseases and didn’t suffer any form of obesity, diabetes, or cardiac ailments.

What to Eat and What Not To Eat

 It is proven that Paleolithic diet not only increases our body’s immunity and muscular strength but also helps us lose weight and keeps us safe from the unforgiving lashes of modern-age fad diets.

To help you get a quick grasp of what to eat and what to avoid while being on a Paleolithic diet, the below list will certainly become handy in doing your weekly as well as monthly Paleolithic diet planning.


  • Lean meats
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Fruits (in moderation)
  • Vegetables (eat vegetable that you can have as it is that means no cooking is needed, however you can cook them. Try to avoid vegetables that involve cooking before consumption)
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Plant milk (almond milk and coconut milk)


  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Vegetables that need cooking before consumption (potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables that you can’t eat raw)
  • Dairy (there is a debate over the question if animal milk is paleo or not. It’s good if you avoid dairy and replace cow’s milk with any plant milk)
  • Processed food

Grains, legumes, dairy products, processed foods, and refined oils should be strictly avoided while being on a Paleolithic diet regime.

Reason – Dairy, grains, and legumes are found to be rich in a type of protein lectins. Cavemen never consumed lectin in the form of any food. It has been found that it is the high level of unfamiliar protein lectin that is responsible for modern-age ailments like type 1 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and degenerative diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. So, avoiding these foods is the best way to hamper your deviation from Paleolithic way of eating.

Paleolithic Diet Recipes

If you are a Paleo dieter or even thinking about adapting a Paleolithic way of eating, you need to have a handy information of some of the tried and tasted Paleolithic recipes for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner time meal planning. Since breakfast is the first meal of the day, let’s get started with breakfast.

We all know that the favorite American breakfast is of loaves and breads. Breads are generally made of whole wheat flour or all purpose flour. Now, what you would do if you are on Paleo diet? Would you stop eating bread altogether or would you find out ways of baking your own custom bread with paleo-friendly flours and ingredients?

If you are a true bread lover and also a paleo dieter, I am sure you would go searching for paleo-friendly bread recipes. So, to help you get started with your paleolithic baking journey, my book Paleo-friendly Bread Making Hacks would serve as a handy tool.  The book has been in the top 100 paid books in breads and breakfasts categories and still climbing the charts. If you want to go through the book, just click the link below and read it for free on Kindle unlimited or buy it with just one click on Amazon.

Image Attributes: Warren Dew

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