Post-it Cat Figure Pop-up Note Dispenser Review(CAT-330)

The new Post-it Cat Figure Pop-up Note Dispenser, 3 inch x 3 inch, (CAT-330) allows for more than just simply pulling off the old Post-it note, no memory attached.

With this new design you can slide, glide, and memorize the moment you took that Post-it note out of it’s dispenser and placed it on its intended surface.

No more pulling, tearing, and non-memorable moments with your Post-it notes! You now have the ability to elegantly remove your Post-it note from its beautiful dispenser and happily use it for its intentional purpose.

There’s no need to stress over the tear-worthy, less than sticky, boring Post-it note when you now have the ability to smoothly slide it off and gently place it wherever you’d like.

The glimmer of happiness this small yet intricate design brings to you is beyond that of which the old, obsolete Post-it note can! Making it all the better, this Post-it note dispenser requires no more than the accordion fold Post-it notes!

Are you worried about cost? No need! You can buy this Post-it note dispenser for no more than $10! Yes! That inexpensive. This two-in-one paper-weighted Post-it note dispenser allows for all sorts of situations to become, quite simply, stress free.

You can use it as a paper-weight, it’s original dispenser, or even a musical instrument. Shake the bottom, shake the top, and the weighted beads will rattle, creating an elegant, soft, and exquisite sound.
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This Cat Figure Post-it Note Dispenser is user friendly, cute, inexpensive, and, beyond all else, helpful! If you are looking for a practical gift, or simply a means to hold your Post-it notes/papers, look no further because this is the item for you!

This design is for all types of people; Cat lovers, work fanatics, teenagers, university students, and plenty more! Still unsure of its ability to satisfy your needs? Listen to the user ratings:

“I bought this about 2 months ago and its great!”

“This is cute and cheerful…”

“Love how heavy it is so easy to dispense refill”

“This holds the notes well and easy to use”!

9/10 reviewers state that this item is worthy of 5 stars!

The remaining 1/10 believe it to be 4 stars. 🙂

You can place this item on your desk, kitchen counter, or your living room coffee-table. This item isn’t just used for work-life. Bring it to your work or have it in your bag, the possibilities are endless!

This unique design was made to benefit more than just the common businessman! Whether you’re young, old, or even a baby! This distinctive object is like no other.

For the price, quality, and design, there is no other type like this on the market! I, for one, found this item intriguing. Not only could I use this for its proposed intentions, I could also sit back and simply enjoy it. I applaud the creator for such insight on the real needs that remain hidden.

Some may find this item unnecessary, but it provides all of the essential needs that one requires to effectively work, without boredom and loss of intrigue. Though this item is small and not necessarily important to the common man, this item brings a sense of accomplishment, power, and control!

No more wear and tear. No more accidentally grabbing two Post-it notes and having to replace one back, further diminishing its adhesiveness! Take one look at this design and what do you think?

Do you believe this item can give you control, power, and the ability to over come the tasks you know for a fact will take your time? I do! Having purchased this item myself, I am fully aware of its amazing possibilities.

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