Top 6 Paleo Diet Foods You Absolutely Need

Do you know what is Paleo? Well, anything that our ancestors ate in the Paleozoic era, is called Paleo. It is healthy, well-balanced, and nutritive. If you would like to know what to eat and what to avoid while being on a Paleolithic diet, here is an article to help you understand this.

6 Paleo Diet Foods You Should Not Avoid, browngoodstalk.comFoods To Eat


Vegetables are one of the highly recommended foods. However, the consumption of carbohydrate-rich vegetables, for instance, yams, sweet potatoes, and cassava should be restricted or better be avoided altogether. Propagators of the diet regimen are of the supposition that any vegetable that can’t be devoured raw needs to be eliminated from the diet.


Fresh fruits, for example, berries, apples, and oranges are good to go yet you should eat them in moderation. Similarly imperative, don’t devour natural products in their dried rendition e.g. dried apricots or their dried items. Again, fresh fruits such as grapes and bananas should be avoided as they contain plenty of sugars.

Eggs and Meat

The diet regime supports the consumption of meat and eggs. However, you should adhere only to grass-fed meats and avoid meats that contain additives and preservatives. Pork, beef, chicken, turkey and seafood are the best. Chicken, quail and other types of eggs can also be included in the diet plan.

Seeds and Nuts

If you’re thinking of having some snacks, there’s nothing better than eating nuts and seeds. All nuts and seeds except peanuts are allowed. Peanuts are restricted because they are legumes and not nuts. However, the usage of nuts is limited in case you are looking for a weight loss. If that’s the case, don’t consume more than 4 ounces of nuts every day. Almond flour and coconut flour are also healthy options for making paleo-friendly bread and loaves.


Natural oils, for example, coconut oil, walnut oil, animal fat, olive oil and canola oil are highly recommended. Fish oil supplements are likewise encouraged. However, processed and hydrogenated vegetable oils should completely be avoided. Include healthy natural oils in your weekly Paleo diet meal plan.


Drinking a great deal of water is highly recommended. Plain tea “without milk” and additionally fruits and vegetable juices are likewise permitted. One can also include coconut milk, almond milk or any other plant milk in their eating regime.

Foods to Avoid


All types of cereal grains should stay away from. This includes wheat, rice, corn, oats, and barley. Defenders of the eating regimen put much accentuation on maintaining a strategic distance from white flour and rice as they contain refined starches.


As previously mentioned, pulses and legumes are excluded in this diet. This incorporates a wide range of beans; string beans, kidney beans, dark beans, soybeans, lima beans and mung beans. Once more, black-eyed peas, sugar-nap peas, snow peas and peanuts should be avoided.

Dairy Products

Dairy items, for example, margarine, yogurt, skim milk, whole milk, cream, cheese, ice cream and dairy creamer are restricted.

You ought to likewise pilot yourself away from alcohol including soda pops, refined sweeteners, and iodized salt.

Processed foods ought to likewise be eliminated from the eating regimen. It’s essential to note that the Paleolithic eating routine offers various advantages including weight reduction, increase activation, and general body wellbeing. Living a paleo lifestyle is not a Herculean task. Adopt it, stick to it and you’ll slowly begin to reap the harvest of its endless benefits.

Begin your Paleo Journey with the first meal of the day. Bake delicious and moist Paleo-friendly breakfast of bread and loaves with Mary’s bestselling cookbook Paleo-Friendly Bread Recipe Hacks.
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